Invisalign: How It Works | Hollywood CA

HollyWood Dental Blog


Invisalign: How It Works | Hollywood CA


With advances in dentistry, straightening your smile has become easier than ever before. The Invisalign system allows patients to discreetly straighten their smiles within a shorter amount of time than traditional braces. By consulting with your orthodontist, you can discover how Invisalign works to give you a bright, Hollywood smile.

What to Expect with Invisalign

Invisalign is one of the best advances that dentistry has to offer today! It changes a patient’s smile, bite, and dental health very conservatively safely, and discretely.

Invisalign works the same way that metal braces do; by putting slight pressure on your teeth in order to move them into proper alignment. But instead of getting your braces painfully adjusted every few weeks, you’ll simply receive a new Invisalign tray that has been pre-adjusted to push your teeth in the right direction slowly. The whole process is accurate and computerized.

The trays are designed early on when you and your dentist discuss your treatment plan. Each tray is slightly different than the last; each getting closer to your final goal of perfectly aligned teeth. Before trays are made you will get to see a “Clincheck” video that will show you what your teeth will look like from beginning to end!

Schedule Your Consultation

Invisalign treatment is best to correct minor bite and misalignment for most patients. To find out if Invisalign is right for your smile, contact your dentist in Hollywood CA to schedule your consultation today!

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