National Gum Care Month – How To Prevent Gum Disease

HollyWood Dental Blog


National Gum Care Month – How To Prevent Gum Disease

September is National Gum Care Month!

Gum disease / Periodontal disease is an inflammatory condition affecting the teeth. As the bacteria gather in the gum pockets that surround the teeth, they release toxins that cause inflammation and slowly start eating away at the bone that supports your teeth. If a lot of bone is lost, the teeth subsequently become loose and may need to be extracted.

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How to Prevent Gum Disease

Regular dental visits are not the only thing you can do to prevent gum disease. By practicing the following habits, you can stay healthy and keep gum disease away:

  • Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Don’t just clean your teeth; Remember the gums around your teeth are just as important! Also plaque on your tongue can easily host a variety of bacteria, not to mention cause bad breath.
  • Whether you are using a regular toothbrush or a manual one, the most important thing is where you place the toothbrush. This can help!
  • Use an antiseptic, fluoride, or anti-plaque mouthwash. Any other type of mouthwash won’t do you much good.
  • Floss daily by curving the floss around each tooth, “forming a C shape” and gently moving it under the gum line. By moving it up and down gently, you can scrape off the hidden plaque.
  • From time to time, use disclosing tablets found in most drugstores. These chewable items will color the plaque leftover from brushing, showing you what you missed.
  • Of course, see your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. No matter how good you are at keeping your teeth clean, your dentist can help you do it better!
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