Bruxism – What it is

HollyWood Dental Blog


Bruxism – What it is

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BRUXISM is a dental problem that many people don’t even realize is happening until it is pointed out by their dentist. People are aware of certain bothersome symptoms, especially when they wake up in the morning. Some who grind their teeth at night are unaware of it, and are only told about the problem by their significant others who notice it at night.

But while most people don’t realize they are grinding or clenching, they often recognize the symptoms that are caused by it. When teeth grinding is persistent, it can cause headaches (especially in the morning), soreness in the jaw, and excessive wear on one’s teeth. Bruxism can be especially harmful to your oral health, in extreme cases causing teeth to come loose, chip, or fracture. When teeth are worn down far enough, repair may require bridges, crowns, root canals, implants, or even dentures.

Read our full article about bruxism.

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