3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist in Hollywood CA

HollyWood Dental Blog


3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist in Hollywood CA

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Routine dental exams and cleanings not only provide greater oral health but also improve a patient’s overall long-term health.  As your dentist in Hollywood CA, Dr. Kashani offers comprehensive dental exams and cleanings to provide patients with compassionate and professional dental care.

During your dental visit, it is often a great time to ask your dentist questions to help maintain your oral health. Common questions include:

Can I remove the hardened tarter at home?

Dentists are able to clean away plaque buildup and hardened tartar (calculus) that is unable to be properly removed at home. Dentists and hygienists use special instruments to remove the build-up. It’s best to let a professional handle the situation in removing this nasty buildup that is responsible for a host of problems including gum disease and tooth decay.

What are dentists able to see that I cannot during routine dental exams?

Dental visits provide the dentist an opportunity to fully examine your mouth and review your current routine – giving tips, tricks, or recommendations that you may be able to benefit from. Dental examinations combined with x-rays allow Dr. Kashani to view the deeper parts of your teeth and gums for early detection and an overall better prognosis if any abnormalities are found.

How do routine visits to my dentist in Hollywood CA help maintain my oral health?

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene with regular dental cleanings and exams keep your smile healthy by promoting an environment that is free from diseases (i.e. periodontal disease). Dr. Kashani would be happy to discuss any personal needs regarding your mouth during regular dental cleaning. We offer teeth whitening services that are sure to make your smile a few shades whiter.

Contact Dr. Sally’s Hollywood dentist office at (818) 508–7272 if you have any questions regarding the general dentistry procedures we offer. We would be happy to answer your questions and concerns!

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